Thursday, February 27, 2014

Money, Money, Money

            One of my favorite PBL units to facilitate is based on the 2nd Grade Production and Distribution standard.  Here are some tools that will work with any economics unit.
1.    Moneyville:  This game was designed to teach financial literacy for children 5-9.  Through the game play, students will learn about money and its value. They will learn the difference between income and expenses in this virtual world.  Students will have to work in Moneyville to earn money to buy things to place in their virtual room.  Students will have to learn to save and prioritize for bigger items.  Students can play online or download the new app.

2.    It’s My Life-Money:  This is a PBS Kids Game.  Students chose an item and save money for “thirty” days to see if they can save enough for their big ticket item.  In this simulation students can earn money but they may lose days to receive the extra money.  During the thirty days they have to buy items on their shopping list. They have to make good choices with their purchases to have enough left over at the end of the thirty days to buy their item.
3.    Game of Life:  There is an updated digital version of the old board game available at the Apple App Store and Google Play.  The app costs $0.99. Students make choices that steer their future in the game.  Financial and life choices will determine who wins the game. It helps kids understand the value of good financial decisions and budgeting.  It’s also a fun game to relive childhood memories. 

4.    Savings Spree:  This app teaches kids how daily life choices can lead to big savings or huge expenses.  According to itunes, Savings Spree shows kids that they can SAVE their money for short term goals (like a bike or an MP3 player), SPEND wisely by making more frugal decisions, DONATE to others or INVEST money so it will grow to meet future needs like a college education. The game introduces the concept of earning money for the work that's available and also guides the child through making choices with the money accumulated during the game. Lastly, the game demonstrates that events beyond one's control can cost money, so it's good a good idea to have a rainy day fund available to pay for unexpected events. This app is $5.99.
5.    Save! The Game:  This is a free app. According to itunes, Download this game, and you’ll run, jump and dodge your way through a fantastic world, collecting all the virtual money you can find before time runs out.

But avoid the iWannas! iWannas are those impulse items that pull at your cash: sodas, candy, cheap toys, and more. iWannas roam around aimlessly, but if they collide with any money—or with you—they’ll take it.

So if you want to hang onto your money, you’ve got to get it to the banks. That’s the key to advancing to the next level. And winning Save! The Game.  

Have a great Weekend!

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