Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fired Up and Ready to Go!

I’ve been researching and finding new things for Friday Five and my classroom for several years.  There have been few finds that have me as excited as some of the tech tools that I have discovered over the last few weeks for this edition. 
1.    Aurasma:  This is an augmented reality app.  It gives you the ability to let the physical world around you interact with the digital world.  You create a video and link it to a picture.  When the camera is held over the picture the over-layed video plays.  My students recorded themselves giving a book report.  They took a picture of the book cover and made it the aura.  When the camera is held over the book cover their video book report begins.  I have also used it with some intervention students.  I recorded a video reading the sight words at the back of the book.  When they scanned the book, a video began reviewing sight words before they read the book.   It is user friendly and free.  A great combination.

2.    Showbie:  This new app is the easiest way I have found for students to turn in their digital assignments.  The teacher gives an assignment and students can easily upload their completed digital product.  It houses them all in one place for each class.  It is like a digital drop box for students.  It is very user friendly.  My second graders easily mastered how to sign in and submit their work.  The showbie sight has several how to videos that show how to integrate with many of the apps you may currently use.

3.    Kids Book Report App:  Book Reports go high tech with this app.  It allows students to type in the characters, setting, problem, solution, and review of the book.  They can then save it as a PDF that can be emailed or printed.  This app costs $0.99 but I highly recommend it for the reluctant writer.  There is just something about putting an electronic device in the hands of a child that will give them the confidence that they CAN write.

4.    Where Do the Balloons Go?:  This interactive book was free earlier in the week.  It is beautifully illustrated with watercolor pictures.  Jamie Lee Curtis wrote it.  There are activities to click on  every page.  There is even a place to write a postcard or make a constellation.  The full version is $3.99 but there is a lite version that is still free.

5.    Puppet Workshop Lite:  Do you love sock puppets?  There is something about their creation that makes everyone smile.  With this app students can create a puppet by choosing a sock, facial features, and a background.  Students can save the puppet as a picture.  This could then become the inspiration for a writing assignment.  I wish this app had the ability to record a voice.  I still think it could be a useful app.  The lite version is free.  The full version is $2.99. 
Have a great weekend!

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